Benefits of ABA Therapy

December 1, 2022 | Uncategorized

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a type of behavioral intervention that has been found to be effective for children with developmental delays, especially autism spectrum disorder. ABA therapy can help improve communication skills, behavior, and social interactions. There are many benefits of ABA therapy, and as the gold-standard treatment for autism, it’s important to understand all this treatment can offer your child.

It’s Evidence-Based

ABA therapy is evidence-based, meaning that it has been proven to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions such as developmental delays, traumatic brain injury, autism, and others. Numerous studies have shown that ABA can have a positive impact on autism-related symptoms in the long term, especially when received as an early intervention. ABA is a well-studied scientific discipline that is effective in autism treatment with over 50 years of research available.

Improved Communication Skills

ABA therapy can help your child improve their verbal behavior and learn to communicate more effectively. This includes helping them to understand and use language more appropriately, improving their ability to interact with others, and more. ABA therapy can also help individuals with autism develop alternative methods of communication like Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, sign language, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), and others depending on what works best for your child’s needs.

Increased Child Independence

ABA therapy can help your child become more independent. Through the use of ABA teaching strategies such as positive reinforcement (think rewards), children are able to learn new skills that can help them to perform age-appropriate tasks on their own. Some of these tasks might include getting dressed, brushing teeth, eating meals, and using the bathroom. Once the child is able to complete the task independently and successfully, the reinforcement is slowly and systematically faded over time until they are able to maintain the skill without the additional reinforcement.

Improved Social Skills and Relationships

Autism can make it difficult for individuals to make and maintain friendships due to lack of communication skills and challenges with social awareness. ABA therapy can help your child to develop better social skills and relationships with others. Through the use of play-based and natural environment teaching, children are able to understand how to interact with others, read social cues, and develop healthy relationships with peers.

Reduction of Negative Behaviors

Children with autism often have difficulty expressing their emotions in a healthy way which can lead to behavioral difficulties. Through the use of interventions such as Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA), prompting and fading, and video modeling, to name a few, ABA focuses on teaching appropriate behaviors that serve the same purpose, or function, as the negative behavior. For example, if a child is engaging in tantrums to gain access to their favorite snack, ABA would first focus on teaching the child to appropriately communicate to request the snack. Through the use of these strategies and consistency over time, children are able to learn and generalize desired behaviors, leading to the reduction of negative behaviors like aggression, self-injury, and tantrums.

Improved Ability to Cope with Change

Children with autism can be very attached to structure and routine, but maintaining these things isn’t always possible. ABA therapy can help your child learn to better cope with and handle unexpected changes. For example, if your child throws a tantrum when their favorite juice flavor is not available that day, ABA can teach them strategies to cope with these types of changes and make them less stressful for everyone. This could include helping them adjust to new routines, changes in daily activities, or even transitions to new schools. 

Increased Parental Confidence

ABA therapy can help increase parents’ confidence in their ability to help their child. By providing direct instruction, guidance and support, parents are able to better understand their child’s needs and how to best support them. Additionally, ABA therapy can help teach parents effective strategies for managing behaviors, setting expectations, and providing positive reinforcement. 

It’s Highly Personalized 

ABA therapy is highly individualized and tailored to your child’s specific needs. The therapist will assess your child’s strengths and weaknesses, create a plan of action, and then adjust the program to best meet your child’s needs as they progress. ABA therapy can be used in a variety of settings, including the home, school, and clinic. This allows for flexibility in treatment and can help ensure that your child is making progress in all areas of their life.

Enhanced Life Satisfaction

ABA therapy is not only effective in helping your child overcome the challenges associated with autism, but it can also help enhance their life satisfaction. By teaching them how to better cope with change and navigate life independently, your child can lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Additionally, the progress they make through ABA therapy can help them build self-confidence and feel more empowered.

Overall, ABA therapy is an evidence-based treatment with numerous benefits for children with autism. Empower Behavioral Health offers a variety of applied behavior analysis programs in Texas for all ages. Our one-on-one and individualized approach allow children to reach their full potential. Through positive reinforcement, you will see these benefits and more as your child builds their functional skills. Contact us to learn more and get started today.