What to Expect at an Autism Evaluation

July 22, 2024 | Uncategorized

Original Post Date of 2/12/2023. Updated on 7/22/2024.

For parents of a child who may have autism, an autism evaluation can be a difficult and overwhelming process. Knowing what to expect during the evaluation can help alleviate some of those feelings. Knowing what to expect at an autism evaluation is necessary to prepare as a parent or a child.

The Importance of Early Diagnosis of Autism

Early diagnosis of autism can be an important step in helping children reach their full potential. Early diagnosis and intervention can help identify areas where a child needs additional support and can help in the development of a successful treatment plan. It can also provide families with access to resources and support that may not be available without a diagnosis. Additionally, in order to have services covered by insurance, they typically require a medical diagnosis. This is why seeking an autism evaluation for your child is so important.

Who Does Autism Evaluations?

Autism evaluations are typically performed by a team of qualified professionals including psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians, or physicians. Each member of the team will assess your child’s medical history, abilities, and behavior to provide an accurate diagnosis.

What to Expect at an Autism Evaluation

Autism assessments may be divided into multiple sessions. During the evaluation, the evaluator will assess a variety of factors such as communication skills, social interaction, and behavior. This is often done through observation, testing, and interviewing. Depending on your child’s age, the team may administer tests such as language assessments, IQ tests, and motor skills screenings. 

Parents should expect to provide information about their child’s development and medical history including any medical or school records such as IEP, evaluation report, etc. Parents should also come prepared with notes from any caregivers and teachers as well so that the evaluator can understand behavior across different settings.

Once the direct portion of the evaluation is completed, you can expect the evaluator to complete a comprehensive report that summarizes the findings of the evaluation, the diagnosis (if any), and recommendations for relevant services. Due to the comprehensive nature of the evaluation, reports can take typically 3-4 weeks to complete. 

Accommodations for Autism Evaluations

If your child has any special needs, it is important to let the evaluation team know ahead of time so they can make any necessary accommodations. This may include providing additional breaks, allowing them to take breaks from tasks, or providing visual aids and other materials that can help make the evaluation process easier. 

Common Autism Screening Tools

When it comes to what to expect at an autism evaluation, there are a variety of tools that can be used. Common screening tools include the Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT) and the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT-R/F). Based on your concerns and your child’s medical history, the evaluation team will determine which assessment tools are most appropriate. 

How Long Does an Autism Evaluation Take?

The length of an autism evaluation varies depending on the age and abilities of the child. The direct testing portion of an autism evaluation can take anywhere from two to eight hours but may be longer if more tests are needed. Oftentimes the evaluation team will break up the direct testing across different days or times to ensure the most accurate results.

When to Begin ABA Therapy After an Autism Diagnosis

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is widely recognized as an effective intervention for individuals with autism. The timing of initiating ABA therapy can significantly impact its effectiveness. Below is guidance on the optimal timing for starting ABA therapy and considerations to keep in mind after an autism diagnosis:


  • As Soon as Possible After Diagnosis: Research suggests that the earlier ABA therapy is started, the better the outcomes for the child. Early intervention, ideally before the age of 5, can lead to significant improvements in communication, social skills, and behavior.
  • Consider Critical Developmental Windows: The first few years of a child’s life are crucial for development. This period is often referred to as a “critical window” where interventions can have the most profound impact on the brain’s development and the child’s future abilities.
  • Consult with an ABA Professional: Engaging with an ABA professional is essential for several reasons, including ensuring child readiness after a positive autism evaluation. Following an autism test. an ABA professional can thoroughly assess the child’s specific needs and develop a tailored treatment plan that focuses on their unique strengths and challenges.

Begin ABA Therapy at Empower Behavioral Health

Ready to empower your child’s growth after a positive autism evaluation? Join us at Empower Behavioral Health and let’s embark on this journey together! Our team is here with open arms, ready to create a personalized plan that fits your child’s needs perfectly. Find an ABA location near you, and contact us to schedule a consultation and begin your child’s transformative journey.